A translation of Qur'ani Ifadat, a collection of Shaykh Abul Hasan 'Ali Nadwi's reflections on Qur'anic verses gathered from his talks, books, and magazine articles. Translated by Maulana Mohammad Mohammady.
From the back coverMaulana Abul Hasan Ali al-Nadwi (may Allah be pleased with him) was born in 1914 in India. He was one of the most famous Islamic scholars of our time. He was prolific writer and a great orator in both the Arabic and Urdu languages. He wrote numerous books on a variety of Islamic themes. Many of these have been translated into English, Hindi, Turkish, and Malay languages. His most famous written works are: Saviours of Islamic Spirit, Islam and the World, the Life of Sayyid Ahmed Shahid, Stories of the Prophets, the Mercy of the Worlds, and various other set works and booklets. The learned scholar passed away on 22 Ramadan, 1420 A.H. corresponding to December 31, 1999.