If you were asked by a person - a Muslim, a new-Muslim, a non-Muslim, your neighbor, your child’s teacher, your professor, your employer, your colleague, a visitor to your Masjid- to provide the person with a book about the teachings of Prophet Muhammed
, do you have a book in mind to satiate the person’s desire? Have you always been in search of a book to acquaint yourself, your family members, and others about the ethical teachings of Prophet Muhammed
and you just couldn’t lay your hands on any such book?Well, that lifelong wait is finally over and now you can finally read such a book which will leave you and others inspired and rejuvenated! (Mufti) Nazim Mangera, after spending 100’s of hours in the last two years and after sifting through 1000’s of sayings of Prophet Muhammed
, has collected the 100 in the form of this revolutionary book. Along with the universal timeless teachings of Prophet Muhammed, (Mufti) Nazim has also included his brilliant contemporary commentary on the 100. By reading the book, you will find out why 1.5 billion people across the world have justifiably fallen deeply in love with him and why Michael H. Hart, in his book, ranked Prophet Muhammed
as the most influential person in history. Buy this 100-page book for yourself and pass on to others as well. Included in the book is a wonderful introduction by Cassandra Williams, the author’s Isnad (chain of transmission) which has never been compiled in English in a similar manner, and 10 beautiful pictures of Masjids from around the world. Read the book and be inspired, as the author and all those who have read the book have been inspired, and give this beautiful book as a precious gift to others as well.

The gifts of open mindedness, knowledge, understanding and wisdom have in our modern times too often been substituted for narrowness, presumptiveness, bigotry and brashness. Too many generalizations have been accepted as universal truths. Too much hatred has been brewed from the dissemination, both accidental and intentional, of misinformation. Perhaps those most affected by modern-day mudslinging are the billion plus Muslims around the world who have been systematically and ridiculously lumped into a homogeneous box labeled “terrorist” since that fateful September day in 2001.
I took the “shahadah” declaring my intention to commit myself to the Islamic way of life in June of 2001, not even three months before 9/11. Many may have had their faith shaken by the events of that year and what transpired as a result, but because I had been blessed with an open mind and access to resources about my faith to equip me with knowledge, I was able to see past the events of one day and the actions of a few people and see the religion of Islam for exactly what it is – a way of life that aims to perfect its adherents’ character and manners in the pursuit of creating a community focused on pleasing the Almighty.
One of the most inspiring and revealing sources of information that I treasure are the hadith (sayings) of the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be with him and his family). These sayings are so valuable to me and should be to Muslims and non-Muslims alike because they reveal the heart and soul of Islam. Further, these sayings are timeless – the lessons they contain are just as relevant today as they were when they were uttered over 1,400 years ago. The emphasis on character development and the adoption of good manners by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) created the foundation upon which Muslim families and entire societies have flourished, and if followed today, can have the same effect.
Unfortunately, two separate forces have come together to create a perfect storm – the neglect of and failure to learn the traditions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) by many Muslims around the world and simultaneously the mournful failure of some non-Muslims to seek or be given the information about Islam and the Prophet (peace be upon him) before vitriolic opinions have been formed and fortified in the minds of the masses. Both these forces have led us to where we are today, a wary and unstable peace hangs in the balance between Muslims and non-Muslims around the globe, for no justifiable reason.
To hurdle these boundaries we have erected between us, we as Muslims must be patient, be willing to work hard to share our knowledge and most importantly, start walking the talk. This book, A Gift for Every Human Being: 100 Inspirational Sayings of Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings be upon him), is a perfect example of just the type of resource we as Muslims should be focused on providing, especially for non-Muslims who will benefit greatly from the in-depth look into the mind and heart of the Prophet (peace be upon him) as he guides his community toward personal, familial and social bliss and harmony with the Creator.
It was not only an absolute joy and honor to help Nazim compile his commentary on these selected hadith, but it was also a reminder with each page I turned, of why I consciously chose to make Islam my way of life. I pray that this book reaches the hands of many of my brothers and sisters in Islam so that they can be reminded of the incredible legacy the Prophet (peace be upon him) left for us to follow. I also pray that this book reaches the hands of many of people who do not claim to follow Islam, but who have an open mind and an open heart to read these sayings and realize the gentleness, sophistication and positive impacts of this religious tradition.
Cassandra Williams, Esq.
California, USA

Saying #9:
Prophet Muhammed
said, “Whoever has a female (daughter) under his guardianship, and he neither buries her alive, nor treats her with contempt, nor gives preference to his sons over her, God will admit him to paradise.” [Abu Dawood]
COMMENTARY: At first glance, this hadith may raise some eyebrows with its mention of burying daughters alive. However, we must read the hadith in its proper historical context. During the life of Prophet Muhammad
in Arabia, the birth of a daughter was viewed as a burden on the family, as bad luck, and as a curse from the gods. Many families resorted to burying their newborn daughters alive in order to rid themselves of this perceived burden, bad luck and curse. Taking this historical context into account, this hadith and the overt prohibition of the slaying of children in any way, but particularly of girls in this manner, can be appreciated for its progressive tilt. Honor killings, forced marriages, or repression of women are all cultural aberrations, and are not derived from Islam or the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad
in any way, shape or form.
Not only is this hadith overtly progressive for its stance against infanticide, but it goes a step further in its revolutionary spirit. Prophet Muhammad
stated that those parents who are entered into paradise will be those who treat their daughters and sons equally, without preference for one over the other. Again, for an era in which females were viewed as nothing but property and burdensome hindrances, this teaching of Prophet Muhammad
is nothing short of avant-garde.
Islam has taught the males of this world how important it is for us to respect females, specifically our daughters. Islam ordered men to respect their daughters at a time when daughters were treated with such contempt that they were even buried alive. Sadly, even though the above teachings are more than 1,400 years old, female infanticide and genital mutilation is still widespread in some countries. Fetuses are aborted for no other reason other than for being a female. If a few Muslims mistreat their female family members, the pristine teachings of Islam should not be held responsible. Honor killings, forced marriages, or repression of women’s rights are cultural aberrations, not Islamic ones. Throughout his life, Prophet Muhammed
truly displayed respect to females.
Saying #22:
Prophet Muhammed
was asked, “Messenger of God! A certain woman prays in the night, fasts in the day, does pious actions and gives charity, but injures her neighbors with her tongue.” The Messenger of God
said, “There is no good in her. She is one of the people of the Fire.” They said, “Another woman prays the prescribed prayers and gives bits of curd (cheese like food) as charity and does not injure anyone.” The Messenger of God said, “She is one of the people of Paradise.” [Bukhari in Al-Adabul Mufrad]
COMMENTARY: The Prophet of Mercy advises us that it is not enough that a person merely takes care of their own religious rituals, but rather, part of faith also entails that we do not physically or emotionally hurt our neighbors. Being an evil neighbor will eat away our pious noble deeds and actions. We should not do things to intentionally make our neighbors feel bad.
On a broader scale, the Prophet was announcing through this hadith that religious prescribed and recommended deeds (in Arabic called Ibadah) cannot be enough to save one’s soul if they do not result in the practitioner’s good behavior toward others. The purpose of worship is not only to bring the practitioner closer to God, but also to help perfect the character of the practitioner so that he or she can be a productive and beneficial member of society. Therefore, the Islamic faith tells us that our acts of worship are not enough to gain us the favor of God; we must supplement our acts of worship with the avoidance of evil deeds and the practice of beneficial ones.
Saying #55:
Ibn Umar (R.A.) mentioned, “During some of the battles of God's apostle a woman was found killed, so God's apostle
forbade the killing of women and children.” [Bukhari]
COMMENTARY: The mercy to the world reminds us that our conduct during times of war must be honorable, and we should be merciful to the weak and unprotected, especially women and children. The Prophet's companion, Abu Bakr, advised one of his military commanders with the following merciful proclamation, “Do not kill women or children or an aged, infirm person. Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees. Do not destroy an inhabited place." [Muwatta] While many in the media wish to paint Islam as a bellicose religion, in fact, the revelation of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet had the effect of civilizing conflict and restricting its reach through numerous limitations and rules of warfare. One of the rules included a provision in which non-combatants could not be intentionally harmed, including women and children, the weak and sick, the elderly, and those things that bring livelihood to a place, including its crops, buildings and infrastructure. Like so many other misconceptions floated about the religion of Islam, the concept of warfare in Islam has been misconstrued. In fact, warfare techniques of many countries are very barbaric, with the concept of civilian casualties and the destruction of homes and infrastructure relegated so simply to “collateral damage” or a “necessary evil.”
Saying #95:
Prophet Muhammed
said “It is better for anyone of you to take his rope and to go to the mountain and bring a bundle of wood on his back, sell it and cover his needs, than to ask people, either they give him or refuse.” [Bukhari]
COMMENTARY: The Prophet of Mercy reminds all of us that we should not be stretching out our hands and begging from people. We need to make every effort possible to take up whichever occupation we can to earn our own livelihood. If that means that we have to take up the most menial of jobs, then we should in the interest of not living off other people’s money. How can people still in their young age not work on their own and expect other people to look after them? Accepting the lowest paying jobs is much better than begging or continuously living off the government and people’s taxes.
This is not to say that the Prophet did not believe in social security or the bolstering of society with social services. It is simply to state that the Prophet wanted able-bodied and able-minded people to make every effort to make a living for themselves. This instills self-reliance, self-esteem and confidence in the people and makes them self-sufficient. When the people do fall on genuinely hard times, it is then that the community should come together to help.

As a Christian pastor, I cringe when extremists incite violence or inflame hatred in the name of Christ. What I have learned from the Muslim community here in Western New York, is that they are grossly misunderstood when judged solely by the acts of extremism done in the name of Islam.
Imam Nazim Mangera has taken an important step by writing this wonderful book, a commentary on 100 sayings of the Prophet Muhammed, which reveal the heart of the Prophet, and which help non-Muslims to understand just how far from authentic faith the extremists we hear so much about, have strayed.
But even more importantly, Imam Mangera reveals, in an accessible and understandable way, the virtues and values of the people who claim Islam as their spiritual path. And what I discovered, as I read his book, is that the virtues and values of Islam are not so very different from the virtues and values I hope my own parishioners would espouse. This is a bridge-building book which promotes understanding between our country’s Muslim and non-Muslim citizens. I encourage you to take some time to read and understand this needed perspective.
Pastor Timothy Madsen
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Williamsville, NY
The book "A Gift for Every Human Being: 100 Inspirational Sayings of Prophet Muhammed" is truly what the title states, a gift for all mankind. The quality of the book is amazing. It is brief and to the point and very motivating. A great read for Muslims and non-Muslims as well. In an age where Islam is so misunderstood this book will serve as means to disprove some of the misinformation and lies prevalent in our society about Islam and the final Prophet God sent to mankind, Muhammed. A great job done by author! I recommend the book to anyone looking to learn more about the teachings of Prophet Muhammed.
Mark W.
Thurs., Aug 30, 2012
The book is well written, especially for the audience you intend to reach, Masha-Allah !
I would suggest it should go to all the libraries, schools, senior citizen centers, nursing homes and reading rooms and in the gift package of newly converted Muslims (I am sure you have already thought of that and some more).
Dr. Amina A.
Fri., Aug 31, 2012
I read the whole book cover to cover and simply love it! It's also a great book for my 9 yr. old because it's a simple, easy to understand book full of information that he can use to help guide him on what's right and what's wrong. This book is fantastic for non-Muslims as well so I will pass on this information to my interfaith groups. It will give them a better understanding of our prophet Muhammed (SAW). There are so many misconceptions about him lately and this is the perfect time to have this informative book available for everyone of any religion at any age. I love the commentaries that go along with the 100 quotes of our prophet which gives a better understanding of the quotes written in the Sahih hadith. I also love the fact that you mentioned quotes from non-Muslim celebs like Will Smith and the late, Jimi Hendrix. Your sense of humor was also revealed in a few places throughout the book which made it fun to read. Thank You!
Amber S.
Wed., Aug 22, 2012
Being a revert and coming from a social domain not well immersed with the teachings of Islam and particularly without critical knowledge of its beloved Prophet, I can honestly say that even with my reversion Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) remained mostly a foreign figure. In the earliest stages of growth since taking Shahada (1/13/2012) I struggled with placing proper context upon the Prophet’s life and his meaning to Muslims.
Reading “100 Inspirational Sayings of Prophet Muhammed” has not only answered many of these concerns but has also served as mediator that transcends religion as practice and speaks to the core of communal and humanitarian ethics. I cannot stress the importance of this message conveyed by the Prophet, and now modernized and commentated on by Imam Nazim Mangera. This book has particular meaning to me since it was given to me during a very most depressing and delicate period, at a time when I was beginning to have doubts on the direction of my spirituality and whether or not Islam was the right choice to represent that spirituality. This book calmed me. It was given to me on my first Eid after successfully making through my first Ramadan. At this time I had been sleeping in the masjid a lot, attempting to be closer to my Islamic family. It became difficult because I couldn’t help but wonder about the people I’ve grown up amongst that do not have the beauty of Islamic closeness, that aren’t as interested in their own social conduct or exploring the meaning of life. I began to become depressed, it was very difficult trying to be the best Muslim I could be and still be ‘American’ or socially ‘normal’ enough to maintain my relationships. I struggled with friends, Muslim and Non-Muslim alike and I struggled with the Rights of Allah versus the Rights of People. So, I depended on my first Eid to restore that peace which called me to Islam initially and Alhamdulilah it came in the form of a book answering all of my questions.
The interesting thing about the book is that it doesn’t shy away from mainstream dogmas and things people accept as normal. Imam Nazim’s commentary expanded the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) in such a practical way to bring it to the level of all human beings living in the 21st century. I learned basic fundamentals of manifesting meaningful relationships which now have become embedded in my character. I learned how imperative having good character is and the importance of parents and restraining my anger. Most importantly I learned the importance of being an example and the importance of being an active advancer and participant in the development of humanity and in result the importance of my intentions with regards to my humanity. This has a deep personal meaning to me because, for example, my family is non-denominational Christians and I remember struggling with feeling like I betrayed or rebelled against Allah (S.W.T.) by visiting them. I felt somehow that I betrayed my religion and this left me feeling depressed. But this book has taught me the importance of my intentions; the book even opens up with “Kind Treatment of Non-Muslims” which says volumes to this matter. It is important to maintain my family ties, and to be a good person regardless of the religious differences, I learned that my intentions are not overlooked. Reading the hadiths and the further commentary has restored my faith in such instrumental ways; Imam Nazim even brings it closer to my level by using Jimi Hendrix, Will Smith and even other religions to illustrate a crucial message that is not only for religious folk, or for Muslims, but truly for every human being.
So I must echo that this book is truly a gift for every human being, as it not only shows a glimpse into the teachings of Islam but important virtues which are necessary for fostering a harmonious environment on a planet which we all, regardless of religion, race, sex share.
Rasaan S.
Wed., Sept 19, 2012
Amherst, NY

 (Mufti) Nazim Mangera grew up in Toronto, Canada, and is a lifelong fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs and has been waiting for many years for the Leafs to win the Stanley Cup. At the tender young age of 13, Mufti Nazim went from Toronto, Canada, to Dewsbury, England, to complete the traditional memorization of the Quran and the Islamic scholar course. He excelled in his studies which lasted for nearly 11 years. In his final year of studies, out of a class of 56 students, he was tied for first place. Since graduation, Mufti Nazim has worked as a teacher of Islamic Studies and Arabic as well as an Imam at prestigious institutions in cities like Toronto, Chicago and Dallas. Mufti Nazim initiated and spearheaded a Quranic school in Texas in 2005: http://iqs.irvingmasjid.org/.
He is a well known speaker in community gatherings, universities, colleges and Masajid where he has spoken on a wide range of interesting topics. Considering that Mufti Nazim has visited nearly 15 countries for an extended period of time, he has garnered invaluable experience on how to deal with people of various countries. Also, considering that Mufti Nazim has ministered in major North American cities, he has gained extensive experience and practical skills on how to deal with and talk to people of different backgrounds, cultures, genders, age groups and beliefs.
Mufti Nazim has 3 Masters Degrees: a Masters in Arabic, a Masters in Islamic Studies and a Masters in Islamic Jurisprudence. In 2010 he completed the Mufti course at a local seminary. Currently, Mufti Nazim is pursuing his doctorate in Islamic Studies. The Shaykh is quadrilingual and can converse fluently in four different languages. His four brothers are all memorizers of the Quran and scholars of Islam as well Alhamdulillah. Mufti Nazim currently is an Imam in the State of New York across the Canadian border atwww.isnf.org, has three children and is happily married to a female Islamic scholar.

The following is my Isnad till Prophet Muhammed
of the first prophetic statement in Bukhari:
- Nazim Mangera
- I narrate from my beloved teacher: Shaykh Muhammed Izharul Hasan Kandhalwi
(birth: November 03, 1919, death: 9:30 AM, Tuesday, August 13, 1996)
He passed away in Nizamuddin, New Delhi, India, and I was present there on that day. That day was one of the saddest days of my life. - Who narrates from: Shaykhul Hadith Mohammed Zakariyya Kandhalwi (b.1898, d.1982)
- Who narrates from: Khalil Ahmed Saharanpuri (b.1852, d.1927)
- Who narrates from: Shah Abdul Ghani Dehlawi (b.1819, d.1878)
- Who narrates from: Shah Muhammad Ishaq Dehlawi (b.1783, d.1846)
- Who narrates from: Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlawi (b.1746, d.1823)
- Who narrates from: Shah Waliyullah Dehlawi (b.1702, d.1760)
- Who narrates from: Abu Tahir Kurdi (b.1670, d.1732)
- Who narrates from his father: Ibrahim Kurdi (b.1616, d.1689)
- Who narrates from: Ahmad al Qushashi (d.1660)
- Who narrates from: Ahmad ibn Quoddous Shinnawi (b.1567, d.1618)
- Who narrates from: Shams ad Din Ramli (b.1513, d.1595)
- Who narrates from: Zainu’d-Din Zakariyya Ansari (b.1420, d.1520)
- Who narrates from: Hafidh ibn Hajar Asqalani (b.1371, d.1448)
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Details included in the book.
- Who narrates from: Prophet Muhammed
(b.570, d.632)
Who said, “Actions will be rewarded according to intentions.” (Bukhari)
A prophetic statement consists of two aspects: The text of the report (Arabic: Matn) containing the actual narrative; and the chain of narrators (Arabic: Isnad or Sanad) which documents the route by which the report has been transmitted. The Sanad consists of a chain of the transmitters each mentioning the name of the person from whom they heard the prophetic statement until mentioning the originator of the matn along with the matn itself.
The Isnad precedes the actual text (matn) and looks like the following: “It has been related to me by A on the authority of B on the authority of C on the authority of D (usually a Companion of the Prophet) that Prophet Muhammed
Isnad is a unique feature of the religion of Islam. Early Muslim scholars examined and analyzed each and every statement that came to them, whether it was the statement of Prophet Muhammed
, his companions or anyone else. They studied the life and character, in the strictest way possible, of those who were part of the transmitting chain (Isnad).
Thus, Muslims witnessed an amazing introduction of the science of studying the reporters of Hadith which was unprecedented and is unrivalled. The recording of the names, dates of demise, qualities and characteristics of thousands and thousands of people is something that is unique to Islam.
“Dr. Aloys Sprenger (1813-1893), the celebrated Austrian scholar, acknowledged in his introduction to the Isabah the unsurpassable feat of Muslim historiography in these words:
‘The glory of the literature of the Mohammedans is its literary biography. There is no nation, nor has there been any which like them has during twelve centuries recorded the life of every man of letters. If the biographical records of the Mohammedans were collected, we should probably have accounts of the lives of half a million of distinguished persons, and it would be found that there is not a decennium of their history, nor a place of importance which has not its representatives.’" [Page #40, Muhammad: The Ideal Prophet, Sulayman Nadwi (d.1953)]
The above chain of transmission is so inspiring and every time I read it, I feel so honoured to be a part of that chain of transmission! You will notice that some narrators were very young when they heard the above prophetic statement. But that is not surprising because the Hadith books were already compiled by then. Also, I know a Muslim boy in Toronto, Canada, who memorized the full Quran from cover to cover by the tender age of seven. So there is no need to be surprised if some of the above narrators were very young when their teachers passed away.
The younger the transmitters, the shorter the chain is to Prophet Muhammed
. Islamic scholars have discussed about the minimum age requirement for the transmitters of Hadith. Since, the discussion is not relevant to this book, I will leave it out.
I have not seen the Isnad compiled like the above, with the dates, in the English language, or as a matter of fact in any other language. I am happy that I am the first person to compile it in such a unique manner.